Potassium-Saving Diuretic

Potassium-Saving Diuretic

Also Known As "Kidneywood"

Palo azul tea has been used traditionally for centuries to promote kidney and urinary tract function and because of this, it's commonly known "kidneywood" or "kidney tea." Diuretics are substances which promote diuresis, which is another word for urination. You might think that drinking palo azul tea will promote excessive urination and dehydrate your body...and you'd be right if palo azul was a regular diuretic such as green tea or coffee. But palo azul is no ordinary diuretic 😉...it's actually a potassium-saving diuretic!  

palo azul and green tea

2016 study found that "the bark of E. polystachya (palo azul) induces an increase on urinary excretion of water and sodium, similar to furosemide, but with the advantage of a potassium-saving effect", which means that it flushes out toxins without electrolyte loss because it spares potassium, so it doesn't lead to dehydration.

Furosemide is a strong diuretic and may cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.


The researchers found that "E. polystachya (palo azul) did not increase the urinary excretion of potassium, in contrast to furosemide. This effect on urinary sodium excretion is in proportion with the ability of the plant to excrete water, which suggests that the diuretic effect of E. polystachya is saluretic type in contrast to aquaretic type typical of most phytodiuretic agents."

Saluretic: facilitating the urinary excretion of salt and especially of sodium ion.


Moreover, the researchers concluded that "the (palo azul) extract exhibited advantageous effect with regard to hypokalaemia, a potential adverse effect of furosemide."

Hypokalaemia: refers to a lower than normal potassium level in your bloodstream.

Lastly, the researchers of this study concluded that the palo azul "extract is acting as potassium-sparing diuretic and this effect should be viewed as a favorable feature of the extract in regards to electrolyte excretion."


Palo azul is great for detoxing because it's a potassium-saving diuretic, so it flushes out toxins without electrolyte loss. This means that it doesn't dehydrate you like regular diuretics such as green tea or coffee.


    Palo azul's scientific and common names: Eysenhardtia polystachya, Cyclolepis genistoides, Lignum nephriticum, kidneywood, kidney tea, palo dulce


    (2022) Nephroprotective Plants: A Review on the Use in Pre-Renal and Post-Renal Diseases

    (2022) Plants Used in Mexican Traditional Medicine for the Management of Urolithiasis: A Review of Preclinical Evidence, Bioactive Compounds, and Molecular Mechanisms 

    (2016) Diuretic activity of the bark of Eysenhardtia polystachya

    (2006) Herbal medicine of the American Southwest : a guide to the medicinal and edible plants of the Southwestern United States 

    (2007) Estudio Etnobotánico de Eysenhardtia Polystachia (Ort.) Sarg. En una Comunidad del Municipio de Zempola, Hidalgo, y Evaluación del Efecto Diurético en Rata


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