Palo Azul, Loose Tea, 5 oz (75 cups), USDA Organic
100% Organic palo azul
Earthy, smooth, slightly sweet, refreshing and not bitter. Although palo azul has 0 sugar, it has a subtle natural sweetness and that's why it's also known as palo dulce (sweet wood).
Finely Cut Loose Tea: This is the best way to extract the nutrients due to the increased surface area, so you get a richer, healthier, and more flavorful tea. Loose palo azul may require a strainer, but this is the way to squeeze out all the magic and fully honor this plant.
Palo azul means "blue wood", and it gets its name because the wood of the plant is used to brew this extraordinary blue fluorescent tea. Palo azul's fluorescence is caused by fluorescent nutrients (polyphenols) which also make it antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, renoprotective, and liver-protective. That’s why it’s also known as “kidneywood”, because it's been used as a natural remedy to support kidney health for over 500 years! Studies show that palo azul has around 8x more antioxidants than green tea, and it has 0 caffeine, 0 oxalates, and 0 sugar, so you can enjoy Mother Nature's most magical tea at any time of the day.

Studies show that palo azul has around 8-26x higher antioxidant capacity than green tea and 20x higher than spirulina. Therefore, numerous studies show that palo azul exhibited significant antioxidant activity, it inhibited oxidative stress, free radicals, lipid peroxidation, AGEs, it's metal-chelating, and it boosts glutathione.
Numerous studies show that palo azul is renoprotective & liver-protective because it exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity and inhibited the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. One study concluded that "these results give support to the use of this plant as an anti-inflammatory in traditional medicine."
Several studies found that palo azul has electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium, which give it an "alkalinizing nature". Therefore, palo azul "decreases the acidity of urine" and "dissolves acidic precipitants (kidney stones)".
Studies show that palo azul is a "potassium-sparing diuretic", meaning that it flushes out toxins without electrolyte loss because it spares potassium, so it doesn't dehydrate you. As opposed to regular diuretics like coffee and green tea which flush out electrolytes.
Results from several studies show that the total polyphenol content for palo azul is 856, green tea 106-430, and spirulina 192.8 mg gallic acid/ml. So palo azul scores around 2-8x higher than green tea and 4x higher than spirulina. This is why studies show that palo azul is effective at chelating (detoxing) heavy metals.
Palo azul tea is caffeine-free, so it's great for detoxing later in the day if you consume processed foods or alcohol because it inhibits oxidative stress, inflammation, & lipid peroxidation. Palo azul also has 0 oxalates, which are anti-nutrients that can cause inflammation and bind with calcium to form calcium oxalate crystals (kidney stones).

This is the 12,000 acre natural reserve where we source USDA Organic & Wildlife Friendly Certified palo azul and it is enrolled in Mexico’s Natural Protected Areas program (CONANP) so we’re committed to the conservation of all species in the region. We harvest by pruning the branches, which encourages the tree to grow even bigger and it adds more life to the land, so everyone can enjoy nature’s magic!

Kidneys & Liver: Over 40 studies on palo azul show that it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, alkaline, anti-microbial, diuretic, kidney-protective, liver-protective, and more. That's why palo azul has been used as a natural remedy in Mexico for over 500 years to promote kidney & liver health, which is why it's also known as "kidneywood".
8x More Antioxidants: According to studies, palo azul has around 8x more polyphenols (antioxidants) than green, black, yellow, and other herbal teas.
0 Caffeine & 0 Oxalates: Palo azul is caffeine-free and it has 0 oxalates, which are anti-nutrients that can cause inflammation and form calcium oxalate crystals (kidney stones). Green & black tea have around 4-16 mg/cup and several sources recommend limiting oxalates to 50mg per day.
Alkaline: Studies show that palo azul has minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium, which make it alkaline, unlike black tea, fruit teas, and some herbal teas which are slightly acidic.
Potassium-saving diuretic: Palo azul is a potassium-sparing diuretic, meaning that it flushes out toxins without electrolyte loss because it spares potassium. As opposed to regular diuretics like coffee and green tea. -
Free Radicals: Over a dozen studies have shown that palo azul is effective at neutralizing harmful toxins such as free radicals, lipid peroxides, ROS (reactive oxygen species), and AGEs (advanced glycation end products) because it's a powerful antioxidant & anti-inflammatory.
Metal-chelating: Several studies also showed that it has “metal-chelating” abilities, meaning that it binds to toxic heavy metals in the body and helps to flush them out. -
Boosts Glutathione: Several studies showed that palo azul increased the body’s endogenous antioxidants (glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase), and these are critical for immune function.
Antibacterial: Palo azul is anti-bacterial against bacteria which are associated fever, diarrhea, pneumonia, sore throat, and UTIs.
Antipyretic & Antitussive: Studies mention that palo azul is used as an antipyretic or an antitussive, which are agents that help to reduce a fever or cough.
Palo azul turns blue in the light because it has fluorescent nutrients (polyphenols) which plants produce to defend against oxidative stress, inflammation, pathogens and UV rays. These polyphenols are also what makes it antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, etc.
Many plants have polyphenols, but only a few evolved the unique ability of fluorescence to defend against harmful UV rays by absorbing high energy light. Plants use polyphenols as a shield, and when we consume their shield, it helps us defend ourselves. Fluorescence occurs naturally in plants, flowers, minerals, animals, but palo azul is the one that produces a fluorescent tea! -
USDA Organic & Wildlife Friendly: Magiktea is the only USDA Organic Certified palo azul on the market. We're also Wildlife Friendly Certified and we source our palo azul from a natural reserve which is enrolled in Mexico's Natural Protected Areas Program so it's sustainably sourced.
Biodegradable Tea Bags: We offer palo azul in plant-based & biodegradable tea bags, making it a convenient and eco-friendly choice.
Finely Cut Loose Tea: Other brands typically sell big chunks of wood which makes it harder to brew a single cup. We cut it finely because this is the best way to extract the nutrients due to the increased surface area, so you get much stronger tea.
Alkaline: To see the magik shine, the water must be alkaline! Palo azul only turns blue in alkaline water, so we recommend spring water that is naturally alkaline. Filtered water is usually acidic because filtering removes the minerals which make it alkaline, so it won’t turn blue, but you’ll still get the benefits.
Sun + Glass: The best way to see it is in a glass cup with sunlight or a flashlight, because palo azul is fluorescent, so it needs to absorb high energy light to turn blue. Sun, glass, and alkaline makes it shine, so enjoy your blueteaful tea out in nature and remember that the magic of life is in the simpliciteas! ✨ -
Traditionally, it’s recommended to drink around 1-3 cups of palo azul tea daily, but it has 0 caffeine and 0 sugar so you can drink more if you’d like. The best time to drink palo azul tea is when you consume processed foods, refined sugar, and alcohol. Studies show that palo azul is a powerful antioxidant & anti-inflammatory, so it may help to inhibit the oxidative stress, free radicals, and inflammation caused by processed food and alcohol.