Potassium-Saving Diuretic

Potassium-Saving Diuretic

Several studies show that palo azul tea exhibits diuretic activity and it's a "potassium-sparing diuretic". This means that palo azul flushes out toxins without electrolyte loss because it spares potassium, so it doesn't dehydrate you...
palo azul tea bark

What is Palo Azul?

Palo azul means "blue wood" in Spanish, and it gets its name because when you boil the plant's wood/bark in water...it produces a fluorescent tea, so it turns blue when it absorbs light! 
palo azul green juice

Palo Azul Green Juice Recipe

80 calories, Super Nutritious, and Delicious! I’m a huge fan of green juices and have experimented with many recipes. Here I will share my favorite recipe that I drink almost every week because it is...
palo azul weight loss

How Can Tea Help To Promote Weight Loss?

Many recent studies and books about nutrition say that the most important factors for losing weight are insulin sensitivity and metabolism, because these will determine whether your body stores energy as fat...or whether it burns it for energy.
lignum nephricitum

The Incredible Story of Palo Azul

A long, long, time ago...Shortly after the discovery of America, there was a plethora of wonderful products of the new world brought to Europe...
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palo azul drug test

How to Pass a Drug Test with Palo Azul Tea

Palo azul has become popular as an effective natural way to detox THC and pass drug tests. Studies have shown palo azul is alkalinizing and it is a potassium-saving diuretic, so it helps to increase...
palo azul magiktea

What is Palo Azul Good for?

The One and Only Kidneywood There are over 40 studies on palo azul which show that it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, alkaline, anti-microbial, diuretic, liver-protective, renoprotective, and more. That's why palo azul has been used as...
Can you Solve these Riddles?

Can you Solve these Riddles?

Did you know that riddles could "increase neuroplasticity"? We recently read a study that concluded the following: “Sudoku, puzzles, riddles, board games, video games, card games, and similar activities increase neuroplasticity.” This basically means that...